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Meet the team

Our team consists of highly experienced professionals from healthcare, technology and cybersecurity. With our strong expertise and a shared passion for improving patient care, we are dedicated to empowering doctors to provide the best possible treatment.

Operational team

Nimetön malli (4)

Juuso Haavisto
CEO & Co-founder
+358 50 351 1925

Juuso has extensive expertise in business development and cybersecurity. He has held top management roles in the cybersecurity industry.

Nimetön malli (4)

Alex Latvala

Alex has extensive experience in developing cutting-edge systems. He has served as CTO and Tech Lead in leading companies in the healthcare sector.

Oskari Järvi_About Us (2)

Oskari Järvi
Full-stack Developer

Oskari ensures seamless user experience and efficient server-side functionality at HippocrAItes’ services.

Elina Puttonen_About Us

Elina Puttonen
Communications & Marketing Specialist
+358 50 547 9626

Elina is an experienced communications and marketing specialist, creating a voice and brand identity for HippocrAItes.

Heidi Laine_About Us

Heidi Laine
User Experience Specialist

Heidi connects HippocrAItes with healthcare professionals, collecting feedback and new ideas to improve our solutions.

Board of Directors

Nimetön malli (4)

Pekka Honkanen
Chairman of the Board,

Pekka is a business pro with strong banking and tech experience, who has discovered that healthcare and banking are both heavily regulated, handle sensitive data and offer precise insights.

Nimetön malli (4)

Johan Bolsenbroek
Board Member

Johan brings extensive management expertise, having successfully founded and led multiple companies in Europe and America in ID-software, video gaming and cybersecurity.

Nimetön malli (4)

Paavo Paukamainen
Board Member

Paavo is a legal counsel with experience in regulatory frameworks in healthcare and high-tech environment.

Scientific Advisors

Nimetön malli (4)

Merja Laine
Medical Advisor

Merja is an associate professor at Helsinki University and a seasoned physician in general medicine, with decades of experience in research, teaching and publishing.

Nimetön malli (4)

Esa Jämsén
Medical Advisor

Esa is a professor of geriatrics at Tampere University, focusing on improving elderly care and addressing the complex challenges of aging populations.

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Frank Emmert-Streib
Digital Twins Advisor

Frank is a distinguished academic and researcher with extensive expertise in bioinformatics, computational biology and data science.

Nimetön malli (4)

Ilari Scheinin
Data Science Advisor

Ilari holds a PhD in medical genetics and computer science, with over a decade of experience in data science and machine learning.

HippocrAItes logos


HippocrAItes Oy
PL 335
00171, Helsinki


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